Experienced Nashville Defense Firm

Drug Schedules of Tennessee

If you have been charged with a drug crime in Tennessee, you likely have many questions. Understanding the state's laws can be helpful in determining the best way to fight for your rights and ensure that your case is handled in a fair manner. We have provided this information about the drug schedules in Tennessee and can represent you during your court case.

Schedule 6 Drugs & Schedule 7 Drugs Tennessee

According to Discovery Place, drugs are rated by the likelihood that they will create a dependency on the user. The only drug that is classified as a Schedule VII in the state is commonly known as locker room rush or poppers, but its legal name is butyl nitrate. There is also only one drug in Schedule VI, and that is marijuana. 

Schedule 4 & 5 Drugs Tennessee

Some drugs that are used for pharmaceutical purposes are also included in the scheduling. Tylenol with Codeine is considered a Schedule V drug, and some sedatives, Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin are considered Schedule IV substances.

Schedule 2 Drugs & Schedule 3 Drugs Tennessee

The drugs listed in Schedule III carry a moderate risk of abuse and include testosterone, ketamine, and anabolic steroids. Some depressants have also been included on this list. Schedule II drugs have an even higher risk of dependency and include methamphetamines, cocaine, narcotics, methadone, and amphetamines. 

Schedule 1 Drugs Tennessee

Psychedelic drugs are considered some of the most dangerous substances and are included in Schedule I. This includes psilocybin mushrooms, heroin, mescaline/peyote, and LSD. For more information on the drug schedules of Tennessee, please visit our web page.
