Experienced Nashville Defense Firm

Understanding Protection Orders

In Tennessee, law enforcement officials may intervene in alleged domestic violence situations to prevent contact between the people involved. These court mandates may be either protective or restraining orders, and it is important to understand the specific types so that you do not inadvertently violate the terms of the order. At the Law Office of Rob McKinney, we work to protect our clients from false accusations and unfair restrictions that may result.

According to FindLaw, protection orders may take a variety of forms. Even the length of the order may vary. Law enforcement may issue a temporary order which only lasts for a matter of days, but most protection orders last for one year. However, even when your initial order expires, your accuser may issue a request for renewal. The courts then determine the extent of the order. They may allow you to maintain contact via phone or similar remote communication, but not face-to-face. You could be required to move out of your home temporarily. Some orders prohibit you from any sort of contact with your accuser. In more extreme cases, you may have to maintain a specific minimum distance. You may also have to surrender any firearms you own, and the courts could prohibit you from purchasing any for the duration of the protection order.

If you violate your orders, you could face fines, or possibly even jail time. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the requirements and abide by them until your case is resolved. More information about what happens after abuse allegations is available on our webpage.
