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Tennessee Man Faces Multiple Charges, Including New DUI Charges

When police respond to a car accident, they may ask a driver specifics about the event, and criminal charges may be pending as a result of the discoveries they make. Recently, police came across a man whose truck had hit a pole. After investigating the scene and talking with the Tennessee man, they felt DUI charges were warranted, along with other charges.

The police responded at around 8 p.m. and asked the man what happened. They report that he initially said he wrecked because of swerving to avoid hitting an animal. The truck apparently went through a ditch before hitting the pole. They administered unspecified field sobriety tests, some of which they contend he failed. Other parts of the test were not possible due to the man's injuries.

As police searched for information about the man and also asked him for documents, they made several discoveries. There was allegedly supposed to be an ignition interlock device on the vehicle because of his previous DUI arrests and that device was said to be missing. The authorities also report that a gun was discovered in the car when the man was searching for paperwork. He is apparently facing his third DUI charge, a possession of a firearm charge, not having proof of insurance and also a charge for not having the required ignition interlock device.

The Tennessee man, in this case, may face harsher consequences for these DUI charges because of the past charges against him, although that can only occur if he is actually convicted of the criminal accusations. Any DUI charge in Tennessee must be taken seriously as a person's driver's license, reputation and freedom may be on the line. Anyone arrested should be aware of the role additional charges may play and also what kind of evidence police or prosecutors may need to present against them in order to supply the proof required for a conviction.

Source: thedailytimes.com, "Maryville man jailed after third DUI, weapons charge", Oct. 14, 2014
