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Man in Tennessee Faces Drunk Driving Charges After Hitting Church

Whenever there is a car accident of any kind, it is often accompanied by a great deal of confusion. Those responsible for causing accidents can even panic and attempt to flee the scene. This is reportedly what happened in a recent incident in Tennessee that started when a man lost control of his vehicle and ended with him facing drunk driving charges.

The incident occurred on a late November morning. It happened at a church, which is only separated from a neighboring business by a chain-link fence. A man apparently lost control of his vehicle, which ran through the church and finally came to a stop against the fence, only feet from the business' fuel tanks.

The man reportedly got out of the wrecked car and tried to run. Onlookers were able to stop the fleeing driver and return him to the scene of the accident. Police at the scene charged the driver with a DUI, which is the man's second DUI offense. He was also charged with driving while his driver's license is revoked for the third time. The church suffered damage to a pew and organ, along with a collapsed wall.

From the report, it is unclear why police charged the driver with drunk driving charges. Regardless of the reasons, drunk driving charges in Tennessee are taken very seriously. Offenses committed by habitual offenders are taken even more seriously. Anyone facing a second or subsequent drunk driving charge will likely find it beneficial to pursue defense options that may help him or her obtain a more favorable outcome.

Source: local8now.com, "Man arrested for DUI after crashing into church", Hilary Magacs, Nov. 26, 2014
