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Experienced Nashville Defense Firm

Defending Tennessee Nurses of Criminal Charges


A criminal conviction can cost you your Tennessee nursing license. If you are charged with a crime in Tennessee, it is critical to hire an attorney with an extensive background in criminal defense and a knowledge of the Rules and Regulations of the Tennessee Board of Nursing. Rule 1000-07.13 of the Rules and Regulations of the Tennessee Board of Nursing sets out a laundry list of criminal charges that can trigger a loss of your nursing license such as aggravated assault, robbery, rape, sexual battery, murder, as well as other crimes. Tennessee Code annotated 63-7-115(a)(1)(3)provides that you can have your nursing license denied, revoked, or suspended if you are found guilty of any crime.

The goal of defending nurses in criminal cases is to avoid a criminal conviction. There are different results such as a not guilty verdict, a dismissal, a retirement, or a judicial diversion, which avoids a criminal conviction. At May McKinney, we have successfully defended nurses on a wide array of criminal charges. Further, we have defended nurses at license revocation hearings where a criminal conviction was the basis of the allegations to revoke one’s nursing license. Some of the criminal convictions were Medicare fraud, sex crimes, and DUI charges where we were successful in keeping their licenses.

Our law firm has the knowledge of criminal law, years of experience, and a track record of litigating cases before the Tennessee Board of Nursing to help you navigate through these dangerous waters. We can help handle the criminal charges, represent you before the Tennessee Board of Nursing, consult with your criminal defense lawyer if you live outside of the areas we practice criminal defense, and even assist you in advising the board of the outcome of your criminal case. No matter the situation, the legal defense team at May McKinney has the experience and knowledge to help you find a solution. 

Contact us today to schedule your confidential strategy session.
