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After Hitting Pedestrian, Driver Faces Drunk Driving Charges

Losing control of a car at any time can lead to an accident and that can lead to injuries to others. If the police need to respond to a car accident, they may investigate to see if any criminal charges or traffic citations are warranted, such as charges related to driver impairment. In Tennessee, a woman was arrested and faces drunk driving charges after hitting a pedestrian and also a light pole.

The accident unfolded as the 26-year-old driver lost control of her car. She then went across two lanes of the road. The car hit a light pole and also struck a pedestrian.

The pedestrian needed to be transported via airlift to a medical treatment facility. She was reported to be in critical condition. Police arrested the driver for drunk driving, although it is not clear what led them to believe she was impaired or if any field sobriety or breath tests were conducted at the scene. She was also charged with vehicular assault and for having a suspended license.

Drunk driving charges can have a significant impact on a person's finances, career and reputation. There can also be a wide range of possible outcomes and penalties based on the exact nature of the incident or if anyone was hurt, such was the case in this Tennessee incident. However, no conviction is possible unless government prosecutors actually prove their case according to the strict requirements of our court system. Anyone facing drunk driving charges may also want to be aware of how field sobriety tests or other factors related to the incident can play a role in how a case can be pursued and what defense strategies may be appropriate under the applicable circumstances.

Source:, "Gatlinburg woman charged with hitting Ohio pedestrian while driv", Oct. 16, 2014
