There are two types of tests used to measure blood alcohol tests in the State of Tennessee. First, a blood sample can be obtained. Second, a breath test can be used. Metro Nashville Davidson County police still rely on using the breath alcohol test. In fact, mobile breath test machines are in the police cars of the DUI unit. A different type of breath alcohol machine is located in the booking room of the Criminal Justice Center.
For breath alcohol tests to be admissible into evidence, there must be two tests given. If only one test is given, the result is not admissible. There must be two separate tests. Additionally, the tests must be within .02% of each other. These two requirements must be met in every DUI breath case. An experienced DUI lawyer will review the breath test ticket to determine if it complies with the policy set forth by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. In any DUI case, attention to the details makes a difference between pleading guilty or getting a favorable outcome in your case.